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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

Tuesday – 9 January 2018

And when he had saluted them, he declared particularly what things God had wrought among the gentiles by his ministry Acts 21:19 (KJV)

Beloved, one major reason God allowed you to stay here on planet earth after you gave your heart to Christ was that He wanted you to become an example of how He lived here on earth. He wanted you to be His Ambassador for change. He wanted you to accomplish a purpose in life.

Looking at the above scripture, we realize that one thing that enabled Apostle Paul to accomplish his purpose was that he had a clear vision of what God wanted him to do. He was never in doubt. He knew exactly what he was called to do and to whom he was called to do it with. He knew his assignment was to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the gentiles. Paul pursued what he was called to do with a passion. He had a dream and he was intentional about it. Little wonder he achieved so much for the Kingdom.

In the same vein, do you know that God has also called you to a life of purpose? He did not save you just to be counted among the number. No, He saved you and called you to a life of glory. He saved you to make a formidable impact in your world for His kingdom. But you must be intentional about it. That is why you must dedicate some of your time to repositioning yourself so that you can take delivery of all that God has in stock for you. God’s intention for you is that you will make appreciable progress and enter a higher dimension of His plan and purpose for your life.

Beloved, the days of barely making it and scratching the surface are over. I declare over your life that you will fulfil purpose. You will arrive at God’s ordained destiny for your life. Nothing will cut you short. As you go about your assignment today, Favour will attend your ways. You will attract favour anywhere you go!

Further Reading: Acts 21:17-20, Colossians 1:16
Daily Bible Reading: Morning: Gen 23, 24 / Evening- Matt. 7
#Wisdomfortheday #WFTD

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