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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

Saturday 04 May 2019

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)

As a leader, you must give attention to the Word of God. Our scripture for the day challenges you to study the Word, but note that God expects you to study the Word not to show off or to be approved by man. Study, not so that people would notice how many scriptures you can quote off hand. But study to show yourself approved UNTO GOD.

As a leader, you are first and foremost, accountable to God. So study the Word, first for your own self-development. Do not be a leader that reads the Word only when called upon to minister to a group of people. Develop a habit of not just reading the Word but studying the Word. Do not just have the regular King James Version of the Bible, a Study Bible too – they are all available in electronic format today. Also, when you go to church, don’t let the Word that you heard end in the church. When you get home, go through it again, internalize the Word. Let the Word take root, on your inside. It is only when the Word takes roots that you can bear fruit.

Have you seen a student who wants to excel ignore reading his books? True success is not magical, it is a function of diligent study and all truth is parallel. So, if you want to succeed as a believer, you must know the word of God for yourself. Read the word, listen to messages, read books from other men and women of God to whom God has given insight into certain areas of the Bible. Be a diligent student of the Word and see the Word work in your life.

When you study the Word, the Word flows unhindered from you. There is a big difference between the study of the Word and the mere reading of the Word. In studying is meditation, in studying is cross-referencing. When you study, you also take time to read several translations, so that you get a broad interpretation of certain parts of the scriptures. I challenge you today to be a diligent student of the Word.

Further Reading: 2 Timothy 2:10-16
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 1 Kings 16-18; Evening- Luke 22:47-71

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