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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

Friday, 23 February 2018

“Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path”. (Psalm 119:105 NKJV)

Beloved, if you must win today with the rate at which evil has become pervasive all over the society, then you must ensure that you always gravitate towards the light of God’s word. If you don’t run towards the light, you will be stranded and that is not the will of God for your life. It is the level of information at your disposal that will set you above your contemporaries. This is the time to latch on to a higher dimension of information which is called revelation. This will enable you to stay on top, particularly in the days and times in which we live. Oftentimes, the reason why people run into problems is that they don’t have enough light. The scripture did not say my people are destroyed because of the devil or because of satanic activities, but because of lack of knowledge. When you don’t know, you will be a cheap victim in the hands of the devil.

According to 1 Chronicles 14, David needed to go to battle but first, he inquired of the Lord. He needed the winning strategy. He knew that one word from the Lord could make all the difference. Struggles come to an end when you receive the proceeding word. You know what others don’t know and that makes you stand out. In verse 13 of 1 Chronicles 14, the enemy came again, but this time David was given a fresh strategy for battle. Understand that it was the same David and the same enemy. Yet a new strategy was needed. That is what puts you at the cutting edge above others.

Today, the world is in a cup of trembling and people are looking for answers. Like I have always said and it bears repetition, many will kiss the lips of he that has the right answer. The question is do you have the right answers? The world will kiss your lips if you have the answer. It is imperative, therefore, that you constantly seek divine direction and guidance.

Further Reading: 1 Chronicles 14:8-16, Proverbs 24:26
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Numbers 5-6; Evening- Mark 4:1-20
#WFTD #Wisdomfortheday

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