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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

Saturday – 20 April 2019

“When Jesus, therefore, had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.” John 19:30 (KJV)

When Jesus paid the price for our redemption, He did not pay it in half. What He did was total. Notice the careful choice of words, Jesus was not killed. No, He laid down His life. He did not give up the ghost until He took the vinegar.

Let us take a journey through all that happened over the last few days over 2000 years ago. First, He was betrayed with a kiss. Ideally, a kiss is a symbol of love. Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss. Have you ever been betrayed? Jesus went through it. Then, He was accused falsely; have you been so accused? He went through it. He was beaten and His back lacerated. It was so bad, He was beaten beyond recognition. Have you gone through that? I guess not, but He went through it just for you.

He was wounded for your transgression and bruised for your iniquities, the chastisement of your peace was also on Him and by His stripes, you are totally made whole (Isa. 53:5). What Jesus did is perfectly perfect and completely complete; nothing can be added to it. Any human effort on your part to earn the victory that Jesus paid for is not humility, it is actually pride. Get off your ‘high horse’ and accept all that Jesus did for you. Accept the fact that you could not help yourself, but He came and paid the price. Rejoice in the finished work.

Notice from the scripture, before Jesus said “I thirst,” He checked and confirmed that everything was accomplished. Did you see that? Then, He said I ‘thirst.’ To take the final bitter pill just for you. So, when Jesus took the vinegar, which was the last straw, He declared ‘it is finished.’ In other words, the price was fully paid. What are you waiting for? Your part is to accept it and rejoice in it and secondly, go and spread the good news. It is the over-the-top good news. What are you waiting for? Accept Him today!

Further Reading: John 19:27-30

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 2 Samuel 9-11; Evening- Luke 15:11-32

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